Retail ViVA: An Orchestra of Automation and Simplicity

In the bustling world of retail’s endless race,
Retail ViVA emerges, setting a new pace.
An ERP so vast, with modules twenty-six,
Interwoven seamlessly, a perfect mix. 

Campaigns now blossom with effortless ease,
Emails and socials fly like the breeze.
Design your posts with creative delight,
In tools you love or ViVA’s own sight. 

Integration dances in a harmonious two-way,
Design here or there, they’ll meet halfway.
Pull into ViVA or push them out,
Flexibility is what it’s all about. 

But here’s the marvel, the GenAI core,
Where plain words transform into so much more.
Just whisper your campaign’s desired theme,
And ViVA conjures your marketing dream. 

Images unfold from multiple streams,
Select your favourite that best redeems.
Headlines crafted with a poet’s touch,
Hashtags ready, adding just that much. 

From ViVA’s heart, your posts take flight,
To chosen socials, by day or night.
Schedule ahead or publish now,
With speed and volume, take a bow. 

No more wasted time or energy spent,
Automation is ViVA’s heartfelt intent.
Simplicity woven into every thread,
Empowering users to move ahead. 

For in Retail ViVA, we find the art,
Of seamless workflow, a retailer’s heart.
Speed, simplicity, and volume grand,
A trusted ally in your business’s hand. 

So step into the future, embrace the new,
Let Retail ViVA be the tool for you.
Automate the mundane, unleash your flair,
With ViVA by your side, success is in the air. 


Experience the elegance of automation and the power of simplicity with Retail ViVA’s campaign module. Save time, conserve energy, and let your creativity soar—all while effortlessly managing your marketing campaigns.  Call us today to automate your retail campaigns. 

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Enhancing Customer Experience: Retail ViVA’s Innovative POS Feature for Gift Coupons

In the competitive world of retail, the smallest features can make the biggest difference. At Sathguru Soft, we believe that exceptional customer experience is built on attention to detail and a deep understanding of customer needs. One such feature that sets our Retail ViVA ERP apart is the ability to print gift coupons along with invoices directly at the Point of Sale (POS). This seemingly small innovation has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. 

The Problem with Traditional POS Systems 

In many retail environments, customers become eligible for gift coupons when their purchase exceeds a certain threshold. However, traditional POS systems often handle this in a cumbersome manner. Typically, the invoice and the gift coupons are issued as two separate transactions, requiring the customer to go through two lines or wait for the cashier to process two different times. This not only delays the checkout process but also diminishes the overall shopping experience. 

Retail ViVA’s Solution 

Retail ViVA’s POS module addresses this common pain point with a seamless integration of gift coupon printing directly with the invoice. This innovative feature allows retailers to configure their POS systems to automatically generate and print gift coupons simultaneously with the customer’s invoice. Here is how it works: 

  • Automatic Eligibility Check: The POS system automatically checks if the customer’s purchase qualifies for a gift coupon based on predefined criteria. 
  • Integrated Printing: Upon meeting the eligibility criteria, the system generates a gift coupon and prints it along with the invoice in a single, composite transaction. 
  • Configuration Flexibility: Retailers can easily configure the criteria of gift coupons through the Retail ViVA POS module, ensuring the system adapts to their specific promotional strategies. 

Benefits of Integrated Gift Coupon Printing 

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience: By eliminating the need for separate transactions, Retail ViVA streamlines the checkout process. Customers receive their invoices and gift coupons simultaneously, reducing wait times and enhancing satisfaction. 
  1. Operational Efficiency: Retail staff can process transactions more quickly and efficiently, allowing them to serve more customers in less time. This leads to shorter lines and a smoother overall operation. 
  1. Increased Customer Loyalty: Providing gift coupons seamlessly enhances the perceived value of the purchase, encouraging repeat business and fostering customer loyalty. 
  1. Promotional Effectiveness: Retailers can run promotions more effectively, ensuring that customers receive their rewards without any hassle. This boosts the success rate of marketing campaigns and promotional offers. 

Real-World Impact 

Consider a scenario where a customer is purchasing items during a busy holiday season. They have spent enough to qualify for a gift coupon, and thanks to Retail ViVA’s integrated system, they receive their invoice and gift coupon in one go. There is no need for them to stand in line again or wait for an additional receipt. This small but significant improvement not only makes their shopping experience more pleasant but also leaves a lasting positive impression. 

Retail ViVA’s focus on user feedback has driven the development of such features, highlighting our commitment to enhancing every aspect of the retail experience. By paying attention to the details that matter to our customer’s customers, we continue to innovate and set new standards in retail ERP solutions. 


Retail ViVA’s ability to print gift coupons along with invoices at the POS is a testament to our dedication to customer-centric innovation. This feature, while seemingly small, has a substantial impact on the customer experience, operational efficiency, and overall satisfaction. It is these thoughtful enhancements that make Retail ViVA a standout choice for retailers looking to deliver exceptional service and drive customer loyalty. Call us today to see demo of Retail ViVA and you will be amazed of its capabilities. 

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Revolutionizing Merchandising Planning with Retail ViVA: How FNSN Inventory Classification Enhances Accuracy

In today’s competitive retail landscape, accuracy in procurement planning is crucial for success. Retail ViVA, Sathguru Soft’s groundbreaking retail ERP software, redefines how merchandisers approach inventory management, particularly through its innovative merchandising module. One of the standout features that sets Retail ViVA apart is its advanced classification of inventory movement—Fast, Normal, Slow, and Non-moving (FNSN)—an enhancement over the traditional FSN (Fast, Slow, and Non-moving) categories. This fine-tuned approach gives retailers a critical advantage in optimizing store replenishment and improving operational efficiency.

The Power of FNSN: Why “Normal” Makes the Difference

Traditionally, inventory is classified into three categories: Fast, Slow, and Non-moving. While this method has served the industry well, it often leaves a gap in the middle, failing to account for products that neither move rapidly nor stagnate on the shelves. These “middle-ground” items can often be overlooked or mismanaged, leading to missed opportunities for profit optimization. By introducing a fourth category—Normal—Retail ViVA provides merchandisers with a clearer picture of their inventory movement.

The Normal category addresses products that move consistently but not at the velocity of fast-moving items. These products often have predictable demand but require careful planning to avoid overstocking or stockouts. Retail ViVA’s FNSN system allows merchandisers to treat these products with the attention they deserve, ensuring that procurement triggers happen at the right time for optimal replenishment.

Practical Applications: Retail Insights

Retail sectors—such as fashion, electronics, and home décor—stand to benefit immensely from Retail ViVA’s enhanced FNSN system. Let us explore how this unique classification model improves planning accuracy across different categories.

  1. Fashion Retail: In the fast-paced world of fashion, trends can change overnight. Fast-moving items might include the season’s hottest trends, requiring rapid replenishment to meet demand. However, classic items like white shirts or black blazers, which fall into the Normal category, often sell steadily across seasons. These items might not see the same rush as trend-driven pieces but are still essential for store rotation. The FNSN classification helps merchandisers accurately forecast stock levels, ensuring that these wardrobe staples remain available without overburdening inventory costs.
  2. Electronics: Electronics retailers deal with fast-moving items like new smartphone models or gaming consoles, where demand spikes quickly after launch. But what about everyday items like cables, chargers, and headphones? These products might not move as quickly but are essential for steady sales. Retail ViVA’s Normal category ensures that these regularly purchased items are properly stocked without overwhelming procurement triggers typically reserved for fast-moving gadgets.
  3. Home Décor: In the home décor industry, seasonal trends play a significant role in driving demand. Fast-moving items like holiday decorations or trendy furniture pieces may sell out quickly, requiring frequent replenishment. However, staple items like neutral-toned rugs or standard-sized picture frames, which fall into the Normal category, move at a steady pace throughout the year. Retail ViVA’s system allows merchandisers to distinguish between trendy, fast-moving items, and long-lasting, consistently popular ones, ensuring accurate procurement planning and improved stock rotation.

Open to Buy Integration: Streamlining Procurement

Retail ViVA’s merchandising module goes a step further by fully integrating the “Open to Buy” (OTB) mechanism, enabling merchandisers to streamline procurement planning effortlessly. OTB allows businesses to set budget limits for purchasing while ensuring that inventory levels are optimized for sales. With Retail ViVA, merchandisers can easily follow pre-configured OTB guidelines, automating requisition generation and ensuring that stock is replenished, when necessary, without overspending or overstocking.

When combined with the FNSN classification, Retail ViVA’s OTB functionality creates a dynamic system where fast-moving items trigger immediate action, Normal items are continuously replenished to meet steady demand, and Slow or Non-moving items are handled with caution to avoid excess inventory. This seamless integration ultimately leads to better financial management and sharper procurement strategies.

Accurate Planning: A Competitive Advantage for Merchandisers

Merchandisers are constantly faced with the challenge of balancing product availability with the need to control costs. Retail ViVA’s merchandising module simplifies this challenge by providing real-time insights and automated processes that drive smarter decision-making. With the introduction of the FNSN classification system, merchandisers gain a more granular understanding of inventory movement, enabling them to fine-tune procurement and replenishment cycles with unprecedented accuracy.

In retail, where products have diverse life cycles and demand patterns, this enhanced system can mean the difference between efficient stock management and lost sales opportunities. By leveraging Retail ViVA, merchandisers can ensure that the right products are always available at the right time, helping retailers stay competitive, reduce costs, and ultimately, increase profitability.


Retail ViVA’s revolutionary merchandising module, with its unique FNSN inventory classification and seamless OTB integration, empowers merchandisers to take control of procurement planning with greater precision. Whether in fashion, electronics, home décor or any others, Retail ViVA offers a robust solution that ensures optimal stock rotation and enhanced profitability. By moving beyond traditional inventory classifications, Retail ViVA provides a critical advantage to merchandisers who are looking to make more informed, strategic decisions in an ever-evolving retail environment.

Incorporating FNSN into procurement processes is not just an operational enhancement—it is a strategic shift toward smarter, more accurate inventory management, positioning retailers to thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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