Revolutionizing Retail: The Power of Integrated E-commerce and M-commerce

In today’s fast-paced retail environment, seamless integration between various sales channels is no longer a luxury—it is a necessity. Retail ViVA’s integrated M-commerce and E-commerce module is leading the charge in this digital transformation, offering retailers a comprehensive solution that streamlines operations and enhances customer experience.

One of the most significant advantages of this integrated system is the unified product management. With Retail ViVA, products, including their images, are sourced directly from a centralized product master. This eliminates the need for duplicate data entry and ensures consistency across all platforms. Similarly, promotions configured in the main system automatically reflect across all channels, saving time and reducing the risk of errors that often occur in siloed systems.

Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of this integration is the real-time inventory management. Unlike traditional setups where E-commerce and M-commerce platforms operate independently from the main retail ERP, Retail ViVA’s integrated system prevents the common pitfall of overselling. Orders are processed in real-time against actual stock levels, making it impossible to accept orders for out-of-stock items. This has dual advantage of good customer satisfaction and better inventory management.

The benefits of such integration extend beyond operational efficiencies. Retailers can now offer a truly omnichannel experience to their customers. Whether a customer is browsing on their mobile device, shopping online from a computer, or visiting a physical store, they encounter consistent product information, pricing, and promotions. This cohesive brand experience fosters customer loyalty and drives sales across all channels. Furthermore, the consolidated data from all touchpoints provides retailers with invaluable insights for informed decision-making, from inventory planning to marketing strategies. In an era where retail success hinges on adaptability and customer-centricity, Retail ViVA’s integrated E-commerce and M-commerce solution is not just an advantage—it is a game-changer.

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The Evolution of Retail ViVA: A Customer-Centric Approach to Modern Retail ERP

In the dynamic world of retail, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just a robust ERP system; it demands a deep understanding of user needs and a relentless pursuit of innovation. Sathguru Soft’s Retail ViVA embodies this philosophy with its comprehensive suite of twenty-two integrated modules, meticulously crafted to meet the nuanced demands of modern retail enterprises.

The Three Core Principles

Retail ViVA’s development journey is anchored in three core principles, each contributing to its evolution as a leading retail ERP product:

  1. Observe More and Capture the Essence
    • The foundation of Retail ViVA’s success lies in extensive observation and understanding of the retail landscape. By immersing themselves in the day-to-day operations of retail businesses, the development team captured the essence of what users truly need.
  2. Listen More About the Essence and Synthesize the Fundamentals
    • Beyond observation, Retail ViVA’s development team placed a strong emphasis on listening to users. By engaging with retail professionals and gathering their insights, the team synthesized these inputs into fundamental features that address real-world challenges.
  3. Build Well and Mould It to Perfection
    • With a clear understanding of user needs, the development team focused on building a robust and flexible ERP solution. Each module was crafted with precision, undergoing rigorous testing and refinement to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality and functionality.

A Customer-Centric Evolution

Every module in Retail ViVA reflects a customer-centric approach, evolving through continuous feedback and improvement. This iterative process ensures that the product not only meets but exceeds user expectations, providing a seamless and intuitive experience.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Retail ViVA stands out not only for its comprehensive functionality but also for its technological foundation. Unlike many ERP systems burdened with legacy code, Retail ViVA was developed from the ground up with cloud technology in mind. This approach offers several significant advantages:

  • Cloud-Native Design: Written after the advent of cloud computing, Retail ViVA requires no modifications to run efficiently on cloud platforms. This ensures seamless integration and optimal performance in cloud environments.
  • Long-Standing Longevity: By staying current with cloud databases and versions, Retail ViVA is designed to have a long-standing life, capable of evolving with technological advancements and industry changes for decades to come.

Innovation and Dedication

The spirit of innovation and dedication permeates the Retail ViVA development team. This team’s commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of the product, from its wide business process coverage to its powerful backend capabilities. By continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible, they ensure that Retail ViVA remains at the forefront of retail ERP solutions.


Sathguru Soft’s Retail ViVA is more than just an ERP system; it is a testament to the power of observation, listening, and meticulous building. By adhering to its core principles and leveraging cutting-edge technology, Retail ViVA offers a future-proof solution that empowers retail enterprises to thrive in an ever-changing market. The development team’s unwavering commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction ensures that Retail ViVA will continue to evolve, setting new standards for what a retail ERP can achieve.

When you choose Retail ViVA, you are not just investing in software; you are embracing a solution built with passion, precision, and a deep understanding of the retail industry. This is the essence of Retail ViVA—a product designed to grow with your business, adapt to your needs, and drive your success for years to come.

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Optimizing Inventory with Retail ViVA’s Open to Buy (OTB) Module

In the ever-evolving world of retail, effective inventory management is paramount to success. The ability to balance stock levels with customer demand directly impacts profitability and cash flow. One critical tool that helps achieve this balance is the Open to Buy (OTB) module. At Retail ViVA, we understand the importance of smart inventory planning, which is why our comprehensive merchandising module includes a robust OTB feature. This blog explores the significance of OTB in retail ERP and how Retail ViVA’s OTB module helps merchandisers plan better in multi-category, multi-product, and multi-store scenarios.

Understanding Open to Buy (OTB)

What is OTB?

Open to Buy (OTB) is an inventory management tool used by retailers to plan and control merchandise purchasing. It involves setting a budget for inventory purchases based on forecasted sales, existing stock levels, and desired inventory targets. OTB helps retailers ensure they have the right products in the right quantities at the right time, without overstocking or understocking.

Why is OTB Important?

  1. Optimizes Inventory Levels: By accurately forecasting demand and managing stock levels, OTB helps prevent overstocking and understocking, ensuring optimal inventory levels.
  2. Improves Cash Flow: Efficient inventory management means less capital is tied up in unsold stock, improving cash flow and freeing up resources for other investments.
  3. Enhances Profitability: Reducing excess inventory minimizes markdowns and storage costs, directly impacting the bottom line.
  4. Supports Strategic Planning: OTB provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making, allowing retailers to plan purchases and promotions more effectively.

Retail ViVA’s OTB Module: A Game Changer for Merchandisers

Key Features of Retail ViVA’s OTB Module

  1. Comprehensive Planning Tools: Retail ViVA’s OTB module integrates with our full-fledged merchandising module, offering tools for detailed sales forecasting, budget setting, and inventory tracking.
  2. Real-Time Data Integration: Our OTB feature integrates real-time sales and inventory data, ensuring that planning is based on the most current information available.
  3. Multi-Category, Multi-Product, Multi-Store Management: Retail ViVA’s OTB module is designed to handle the complexities of modern retail, allowing merchandisers to plan across multiple categories, products, and store locations seamlessly.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: With an intuitive interface, Retail ViVA’s OTB module makes it easy for merchandisers to set budgets, track performance, and adjust plans as needed.

Benefits of Using Retail ViVA’s OTB Module

  1. Optimized Inventory Management: Retail ViVA’s OTB module helps retailers maintain optimal inventory levels, reducing the risk of overstocking and understocking.
  2. Improved Cash Flow: By efficiently managing inventory purchases, our OTB module helps improve cash flow, freeing up capital for other business needs.
  3. Enhanced Decision Making: With access to real-time data and comprehensive planning tools, merchandisers can make informed decisions that drive profitability.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Whether managing a single store or multiple locations, Retail ViVA’s OTB module scales to meet the needs of any retail operation, providing the flexibility to adjust plans as business conditions change.

Why Choose Retail ViVA for OTB?

Industry Expertise

With years of experience in the retail industry, Retail ViVA understands the unique challenges faced by retailers. Our OTB module is designed with these challenges in mind, offering solutions that drive efficiency and profitability.

Comprehensive ERP Solution

Retail ViVA’s OTB module is part of our comprehensive retail ERP solution, which includes modules for sales, inventory, finance, and more. This integrated approach ensures that all aspects of your retail operation are aligned and optimized for success.

Proven Results

Our clients have successfully used Retail ViVA’s OTB module to streamline their inventory management processes, resulting in improved cash flow, reduced excess inventory, and enhanced profitability.


In the competitive world of retail, effective inventory management is key to success. Retail ViVA’s Open to Buy (OTB) module offers a powerful tool for optimizing inventory levels, improving cash flow, and enhancing profitability. By integrating real-time data and providing comprehensive planning tools, our OTB module helps merchandisers make informed decisions in a multi-category, multi-product, and multi-store environment. Choose Retail ViVA and experience the benefits of a robust, integrated retail ERP solution designed to drive your business forward.

Discover how Retail ViVA’s OTB module can transform your inventory management process. Contact us today to schedule a demo and see our powerful retail ERP solutions in action

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Enhancing Accountability with Retail ViVA’s Innovative Reporting System

Timely access to critical information can make the difference between success and failure in the fast faced retail industry. Retail ViVA, a comprehensive retail ERP system, has introduced an innovative feature designed to enhance accountability and streamline decision-making processes across the organization. By leveraging a centralized document management system for report distribution, Retail ViVA ensures that every stakeholder has access to a single source of truth, promoting transparency and accountability.

The Mechanism of Accountability

Retail ViVA’s approach to report distribution is both simple and powerful. Instead of emailing critical management reports directly to recipients’ inboxes, a link to the report stored in the document management system is sent to all individuals on the distribution list. This method triggers the accountability matrix, recording essential metrics such as the date and time stamp of when a user accesses the report and how long they view it.

Key Features of the Accountability System

  1. Centralized Access:
    • All users access reports from a central location, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
    • The system maintains a single source of truth, preventing discrepancies that can arise from multiple versions of a document.
  2. Detailed Tracking:
    • Every access is logged with precise timestamps.
    • The system tracks how long each user views the report, providing insights into engagement levels.
  3. Permission Control:
    • Only authorized users can download reports, while others can only view them.
    • This ensures that sensitive information is protected while maintaining accessibility for decision-making.
  4. Automated Reminders:
    • If a user does not access the report within a prescribed time limit, an automated reminder is sent.
    • The reminder is also marked to the user’s reporting manager, ensuring follow-up and accountability.

Practical Example: Daily Trading Report

Consider the daily trading report that every branch manager must review each morning. This report contains crucial data on the previous day’s performance and highlights any emerging trends. With Retail ViVA’s system, the branch manager receives a link to the report and is expected to review it promptly. The accountability matrix ensures that:

  • Immediate Action: The branch manager is aware of the necessity to check the report, promoting timely decision-making.
  • Tracking and Follow-up: If the report is not accessed, the automated reminder system ensures that the reporting manager is informed, promoting follow-up and accountability.
  • Consistency: All branch managers see the same report, ensuring that decisions are based on accurate and consistent information.

Benefits of the Accountability Matrix

Enhancing Accountability

By recording when and how long users interact with reports, Retail ViVA promotes a culture of accountability. Users are aware that their engagement with critical information is monitored, encouraging them to stay informed and make timely decisions.

Improving Decision-Making

Accurate, consistent, and timely information can greatly facilitate effective decision-making. Retail ViVA ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page, reducing the risk of decisions based on outdated or incorrect data.

Ensuring Transparency

The centralized reporting system enhances transparency within the organization. Everyone accesses the same data from a single source, ensuring that there is no room for misinterpretation or manipulation of information.

Streamlining Operations

Automated reminders and tracking reduce the administrative burden of manually following up with stakeholders. This allows managers to focus on more strategic tasks, knowing that the system will handle the accountability aspects.


Retail ViVA’s innovative approach to report distribution and accountability sets a new standard for retail management systems. By ensuring that every user accesses reports from a central location, tracking engagement, and sending automated reminders, Retail ViVA enhances accountability, improves decision-making, and promotes a culture of transparency and efficiency. This simple yet powerful feature is a testament to Retail ViVA’s commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that drive organizational success.

Discover how Retail ViVA can transform your retail operations with its comprehensive ERP solutions. Embrace a new era of accountability and efficiency with Retail ViVA today.

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The Retail CIO’s Dream: Unifying Your Retail Empire with Retail ViVA

Do you, as a Retail CIO, ever feel like you are constantly juggling a never-ending cascade of disconnected software systems? Multiple vendors, constant integrations, endless troubleshooting, and a team of frustrated employees – it is enough to make anyone reach for a stress ball.

The traditional approach of a hybrid ERP system promises flexibility, but often delivers a complex mess. Different modules from different vendors rarely play nicely together, leading to data silos, redundant entries, and reporting nightmares. It is a recipe for inefficiency and employee dissatisfaction.

But what if there was a better way?

Introducing Retail ViVA: The All-in-One ERP Solution for Retail Bliss

Retail ViVA is not just another ERP; it is a comprehensive ecosystem designed to bring peace and unity to your retail operations. We understand the challenges you face, and we have built a solution that addresses them head-on.

Here’s how Retail ViVA brings relief to your retail world:

  • 21 Integrated Modules: From core functions like finance and inventory to non-core aspects like HR and CRM, Retail ViVA offers a complete suite of seamlessly integrated modules. No more third-party integrations, no more data silos, just a single source of truth for your entire business.
  • Reduced Cost of Ownership: Stop the endless cycle of licensing fees and maintenance costs for a multitude of disparate systems. Retail ViVA’s extreme value proposition delivers unparalleled functionality at a fraction of the cost of a cobbled-together hybrid system.
  • Effortless Data Management: Say goodbye to data redundancy and inconsistent information. With Retail ViVA, all your data resides in a single instance and single schema, making reporting, analysis, and decision-making a breeze.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Imagine a world where your employees can access everything they need – from finance to customer information – in a unified, user-friendly platform. Retail ViVA simplifies tasks, boosts productivity, and keeps your team happy.

Retail ViVA is more than just software; it is a strategic partner. We empower you to:

  • Focus on what matters most: Your core business strategy, not managing a software zoo.
  • Gain a competitive edge: Streamlined operations, accurate data, and a happy team fuel superior customer experiences and increased profitability.
  • Embrace the future: Retail ViVA’s scalable architecture adapts to your evolving needs, ensuring you are prepared for whatever comes next.

Stop the multi-vendor madness. Stop the integration headaches. Stop the employee frustration.

Embrace the Retail ViVA difference. Contact us today and let us discuss how we can help you achieve retail bliss!

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Unveiling the Power of Visibility: How Retail ViVA’s Document Management System Fosters Accountability in Retail

In the fast-paced world of retail, data is king. Every sale, every inventory fluctuation, every customer interaction tells a story – a story that can empower informed decisions and propel your business forward. But what good is data if it is siloed, inaccessible, or shrouded in uncertainty? This is where accountability becomes paramount.

Retail ViVA’s document management system goes beyond simply storing reports; it transforms them into powerful tools for accountability and transparency. Here is how this innovative feature empowers a culture of responsibility within your retail organization:

  1. Real-Time Visibility, Enhanced Engagement:

Gone are the days of bulky email attachments and unanswered questions about “who read what.” Retail ViVA utilizes linked reports, ensuring everyone on the distribution list has access to the same, up-to-date information. This eliminates confusion and fosters a culture of shared ownership.

  1. Time-Stamped Tracking: Pinpointing Responsibility

Retail ViVA’s magic lies in its ability to track document access. Every time a report is opened, a date and timestamp are recorded. This simple yet powerful feature establishes a clear audit trail, fostering accountability for decisions made based on the information presented. Imagine a situation where a crucial sales metric is overlooked, leading to missed targets. With access tracking, you can identify knowledge gaps and ensure everyone stays informed.

  1. One Source of Truth: Eliminating Confusion and Miscommunication

Retail is a dynamic environment where decisions can shift rapidly based on added information. With Retail ViVA’s linked reports, everyone is referencing the same version of the truth. This eliminates discrepancies and ensures everyone is on the same page, fostering a more cohesive and efficient decision-making process. Imagine a situation where a manager makes a strategic call based on outdated data in their inbox. With Retail ViVA, this scenario becomes a thing of the past.

  1. Secure Access Control: Protecting Sensitive Data

Retail ViVA understands the importance of data security. Download options are meticulously controlled based on predefined corporate rules and user hierarchies. This ensures that sensitive data remains protected while readily accessible to authorized personnel. Imagine a situation where confidential financial data is accidentally forwarded to the wrong recipient. Retail ViVA’s access controls mitigate such risks.

  1. Streamlined Communication and Collaboration:

Gone are the days of cluttered inboxes and endless email threads. By eliminating bulky attachments, Retail ViVA streamlines communication and collaboration. Reports can be easily accessed and discussed during group meetings directly from the secure link. This fosters a more efficient and focused work environment.

Empowering Line Management, One Report at a Time

Retail ViVA’s document management system transcends mere document storage. It creates a robust ecosystem of accountability, transparency, and data security. With clear visibility into information access, every line manager becomes an accountable manager, empowered to make informed decisions, and drive positive outcomes for your retail business.

Ready to unlock the power of accountable retail management?

Contact us today to learn more about how Retail ViVA’s document management system can transform your organization and propel you towards retail success.

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Elevating Retail Sustainability with Retail ViVA: The Power of Comprehensive Governance, Risk, and Compliance Management

In today’s fast-paced retail landscape, enterprises are continually challenged to adapt and thrive amidst evolving market dynamics and regulatory demands. Ensuring long-term sustainability and operational excellence requires a robust framework that seamlessly integrates governance, risk management, and compliance. Enter Retail ViVA—the most comprehensive retail ERP solution offered on a SaaS basis, equipped with a suite of twenty-two modules designed to meet the diverse needs of retail enterprises. Among these, the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) module stands out as a cornerstone for sustainable retail operations.

Comprehensive Governance for Seamless Operations

At the heart of the GRC module lies the Governance component, meticulously designed to streamline, and centralize all governance-related activities within a retail enterprise. This module ensures that all policies, procedures, and corporate documents, such as licenses and agreements with external stakeholders, are meticulously tracked and managed. By maintaining a comprehensive document store with designated sponsors and custodians, Retail ViVA guarantees that all governance aspects are managed promptly and efficiently.

The Governance module’s ability to schedule and manage reviews and renewals of crucial documents ensures that retail enterprises remain compliant and operationally sound. This not only fosters organizational discipline but also minimizes the risk of non-compliance and operational disruptions.

Proactive Risk Management for Enhanced Resilience

Risk management is pivotal for the sustainability and resilience of any retail enterprise. The Risk component of Retail ViVA’s GRC module provides a structured approach to identifying, assessing, and monitoring risks. By capturing all risk items and assigning them clear likelihood and impact scores, the module enables enterprises to prioritize risks based on their severity and potential impact on operations.

The Enterprise Risk Framework within the module facilitates continuous risk monitoring at defined intervals, ensuring that risk ratings are regularly updated, and improvement measures are implemented. This proactive approach allows retail enterprises to stay ahead of potential threats, fostering a culture of risk awareness and resilience.

The comprehensive risk register provided by Retail ViVA ensures that all identified risks are thoroughly reviewed and rated, enabling enterprises to implement effective control measures and continuous improvement initiatives. This systematic approach to risk management not only safeguards the enterprise but also enhances its ability to navigate uncertainties and capitalize on opportunities.

Ensuring Global Compliance for Operational Excellence

In an increasingly globalized retail environment, compliance with international regulations and standards is crucial. The Compliance component of Retail ViVA’s GRC module offers a robust solution for tracking and managing the global compliance needs of retail enterprises. By providing a centralized platform for monitoring compliance requirements across different jurisdictions, Retail ViVA ensures that enterprises remain compliant with local and international laws and regulations.

The Compliance module helps retail enterprises maintain up-to-date records of all compliance activities, ensuring that any changes in regulations are promptly addressed. This reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties and fosters a culture of regulatory adherence, contributing to the overall operational excellence of the enterprise.

Driving Long-Term Sustainability with Retail ViVA

Retail ViVA’s GRC module is a testament to the platform’s commitment to driving long-term sustainability and operational excellence in the retail sector. By integrating comprehensive governance, proactive risk management, and stringent compliance monitoring, Retail ViVA empowers retail enterprises to navigate the complexities of the modern business environment with confidence and agility.

In conclusion, Retail ViVA’s GRC module is not just a tool—it is a strategic enabler that helps retail enterprises build a resilient, compliant, and sustainable future. By leveraging the power of Retail ViVA, retail enterprises can ensure that their operations are not only efficient and effective but also aligned with the highest standards of governance, risk management, and compliance. Embrace the future of retail sustainability with Retail ViVA and elevate your enterprise to new heights of success.

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The Symphony of Retail: How Retail ViVA’s Integrated Design Makes Retail Soar

Imagine a retail orchestra – each instrument, vital, yet incomplete alone. The maestro weaves them together, crafting a harmonious symphony that resonates deeply. Retail ViVA, with its twenty-two meticulously integrated modules, functions in a similar way. But instead of music, it conducts the complex dance of retail operations, creating a chorus of efficiency, accuracy, and accountability.

A Tapestry of Integration:

Unlike a patchwork of standalone applications, Retail ViVA boasts a deeply interwoven design. The procurement module seamlessly integrates with inventory, finance, warehousing, human capital, and even content management. This intricate web ensures data serenity. Information flows flawlessly, eliminating duplication and discrepancies. Similarly, all modules are integrated widely into one another.

Farewell, Redundancy:

Forget the days of manual data entry and siloed information. Integrated modules manage tedious tasks like document synchronization and transaction posting, freeing your team to focus on what matters. This eliminates human error and streamlines processes, ensuring one source of truth for all your retail data.

The Power of Analysis:

Data integration is not just about avoiding chaos; it empowers meaningful analysis. Retail ViVA gathers quantitative information from every corner of your business, providing a holistic view for informed decisions. Need to understand the impact of staffing on inventory levels? Or analyse how marketing campaigns affect sales across different product lines? Retail ViVA has you covered.

Efficiency, Amplified:

Imagine a retail world where everything simply works. Integrated procurement forecasts real demand, leading to optimized inventory levels. Real-time sales data from the point-of-sale automatically updates financials. This seamless flow of information fosters unparalleled efficiency across your entire retail operation.

Accountability in Harmony:

Integrated systems not only ensure smooth operations but also promote accountability. With a clear picture of every transaction and its impact on other areas, pinpointing performance metrics and areas for improvement becomes effortless.

Retail ViVA is not just software; it is a conductor, leading your retail operations to a planned success. The integrated design ensures data accuracy, eliminates redundancies, and fosters insightful analysis – all crucial elements for thriving in today’s competitive retail landscape.

So, what are you waiting for? Let Retail ViVA orchestrate your business efficiency. We would love to hear your thoughts – have you come across such a widely integrated Retail ERP that has all that a retail business needs to be fully digital? Share your comments below!

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Real-Time Inventory Accuracy: How Retail ViVA Transforms Stock Management

The Challenge of Traditional Stock Counting

Retail stores often struggle to maintain accurate inventory records due to the limitations of traditional ERP systems, which update inventory only once a day. This delay causes significant discrepancies between recorded and actual inventory, leading to a lengthy reconciliation process and potential financial impacts.

The Need for Instant Inventory Reconciliation

Addressing inventory discrepancies promptly is essential for maintaining operational efficiency and profitability. Delayed reconciliations can result in higher costs, especially during inflationary periods, making real-time adjustments crucial for accurate financial management.

Introducing Retail ViVA: Instant Updates and Reconciliation

Retail ViVA revolutionizes inventory management by providing real-time updates and instant reconciliation. Unlike traditional systems, it updates stock levels with every transaction, allowing for immediate identification and adjustment of discrepancies. This real-time capability significantly reduces the time and effort required for inventory management.

How Retail ViVA Outperforms Competitors

Retail ViVA’s online modules and real-time updates eliminate the need for batch posting, ensuring that inventory records are always current. This approach enhances decision-making, reduces financial impact, and improves operational efficiency, giving retailers a significant advantage over competitors.

The Competitive Edge of Real-Time Inventory Management

In today’s fast-paced retail environment, the ability to manage inventory accurately and efficiently is a competitive edge. Retail ViVA’s real-time updates and instant reconciliation provide the tools needed to maintain accurate records, avoid stock-related issues, and enhance customer satisfaction. For any retailer aiming to optimize inventory management, adopting Retail ViVA is a strategic move that promises significant returns on investment.

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Unleashing the Power Within: How Retail ViVA’s Ad-Hoc Reporting & Analytics Supercharges Employee Engagement

In the ever-evolving retail landscape, success hinges on one crucial element: your people. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and invested in the company’s success. But how do you unlock this hidden potential? Enter Retail ViVA’s revolutionary ad-hoc reporting and analytics module – the key to empowering your workforce and skyrocketing employee engagement.

Beyond Data Capture: The Power of Democratization

Traditional retail ERP systems often treat data like a locked vault, accessible only to a select few. Retail ViVA shatters this paradigm. Our unique ad-hoc reporting and analytics module dismantles the barriers, placing the power of data analysis directly in the hands of your employees – the citizen users.

No Code, All Control: Drag, Drop, and Discover

Imagine a world where employees can explore their own data without writing a single line of code. With Retail ViVA’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, that world becomes reality. No complex training, no programming expertise required. Users leverage their existing domain knowledge to create insightful reports and dashboards in mere minutes.

Curiosity Unleashed: From Data to Decision Making

The magic unfolds as employees delve into their data. Some uncover hidden patterns, sparking brainstorming sessions and proposing innovative solutions at review meetings. Others identify gaps in data capture, sparking further discussion and refining data collection methods for deeper analysis. Still others utilize insights to devise strategies for enhancing customer service and satisfaction.

The Unexpected Reward: The Joy of Discovery

The most remarkable outcome? The sheer joy employees experience when empowered to analyse their own data. This newfound ability to “slice and dice” data transforms them from passive observers to active participants in the decision-making process. Citizen developer tools like Retail ViVA’s ad-hoc reporting become more than just reporting tools – they become catalysts for employee morale and motivation, fostering a sense of ownership and loyalty to the organization.

Beyond Reporting: The Unquantifiable Boost

While ad-hoc reporting empowers users with data, the benefits extend far beyond mere reports. The indirect impact on employee morale is truly transformative. As employees analyse data and witness the impact of their insights, their decision-making skills sharpen, paving the path for leadership development.

Retail ViVA: Built for the Citizen Analyst

Retail ViVA’s ad-hoc reporting and analytics module is built on this very principle. No code. No SQL. Just pure, intuitive analysis. With Retail ViVA, anyone can generate reports and dashboards in under a minute. This unparalleled empowerment creates a ripple effect of employee engagement, fostering a culture where every user feels like a manager, taking ownership of their data and contributing to the organization’s success.

The Soft Power of Data: A Recipe for Retail Success

Retail ViVA’s ad-hoc reporting and analytics is not just about data – it is about unlocking the potential within your workforce. By empowering employees to take charge of their data, you cultivate a thriving ecosystem of engaged, motivated, and results-oriented individuals. This, in turn, becomes the cornerstone of a winning retail strategy, propelling your business towards unparalleled success.

Embrace the power of Retail ViVA’s ad-hoc reporting and analytics. Watch your employees transform from data observers to data champions and unlock the true potential of your retail workforce.

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Retail ViVA: The Power of ERP and Tools for Unmatched Retail Excellence

In the dynamic world of retail, success hinges on streamlined processes, insightful data, and empowered employees. While traditional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems excel at data capture and adherence to best practices, they can often lack the agility needed for today’s ever-evolving market. Retail ViVA shatters this paradigm, emerging as a powerful platform of robust ERP functionality and innovative tools, creating an unmatched solution for retailers seeking true operational excellence.

Beyond Data Capture: The Power of Integrated Tools

Imagine an ERP system that does not just capture data but unlocks its true potential. Retail ViVA transcends the limitations of mere data storage by offering a comprehensive suite of natively integrated tools. These tools empower your workforce like never before. Imagine electronic and digital signatures streamlining approvals, no-code ad-hoc reporting tools fostering data democratization, and on-the-fly analytics enabling real-time decision-making. A built-in chatbot equipped to answer natural language questions and a collaborative workspace foster seamless communication and knowledge sharing. These are just few tools that demonstrates an absolute efficiency within a retail organization.

The Voice of 5,000 Retail Experts: Retail ViVA, Designed for You

Retail ViVA is not a product born in a vacuum. Over 15 years of experience working with more than 5,000 retail users has informed its development. We have witnessed the dynamic decision-making needs of retail firsthand. This deep understanding translates into a system that captures the very essence of your retail operations, from the most intricate nuances to the broader strategic picture. It is a system designed with retailers, for retailers.

Unleashing the Power of “Five with Two”: ERP + Tools = Unprecedented Efficiency

Think of traditional ERP as a vast, untapped but organised data lake. Without the right tools, it becomes a mere data capture and reporting engine. Retail ViVA unlocks this potential, transforming that data lake into a wellspring of actionable insights. It is the synergistic combination of a robust ERP core with the power of integrated tools that elevates Retail ViVA to unmatched heights. While other ERP solutions may require complex integrations with sub-systems to achieve similar functionality, Retail ViVA offers it all under one roof, seamlessly orchestrated for peak performance.

The Unchallenged Champion of Retail ERP

Retail ViVA stands tall as the undisputed champion of retail ERP solutions. Unlike its competitors, such as SAP, Oracle Applications, Microsoft Dynamics, Epicor, or Infor, Retail ViVA offers a pre-orchestrated symphony of ERP and tools, specifically designed for the intricacies of the retail industry. With twenty-three pre-integrated modules, six power tools and a roadmap brimming with even more in 2024, Retail ViVA stands ready to empower your retail business to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and success. Embrace the power of Retail ViVA and unlock the true potential of your retail operations.

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Retail ViVA: The Perfect Blend of Structure and Flexibility for Streamlined Data Capture

In today’s dynamic retail landscape, capturing accurate and insightful data is crucial for effective decision-making. However, traditional data collection methods can be cumbersome and inflexible. Retail ViVA offers a revolutionary solution: a system that seamlessly merges pre-determined fields for time-tested data capture with the agility of dynamic form fields. This innovative approach empowers retailers to create forms on the fly while ensuring data flows effortlessly into their ERP systems through API integration.

The Power of Pre-Determined Fields: Retail ViVA understands the importance of core data points. The system comes equipped with pre-determined fields for capturing essential retail information – think sales figures, inventory levels, customer demographics, and many more. These fields have been carefully selected based on industry best practices, ensuring you gather the crucial data that forms the bedrock for insightful analysis. Additionally, this standardized approach simplifies data collection for routine tasks, saving valuable time and resources.

Embrace Agility with Dynamic Forms: Retail is not static. New situations and data needs arise constantly. Retail ViVA empowers you to adapt with its dynamic form field functionality. This functionality utilizes a no-code approach, making it easy for anyone to create custom forms in minutes, without requiring technical expertise. Whether you need to capture feedback on a new product launch or collect specific data during a promotional event, Retail ViVA allows you to create the perfect form to gather the information you need, when you need it.

Seamless Integration for Informed Decisions: The magic truly lies in the seamless integration between Retail ViVA’s form fields and underlying Retail ViVA tables. Data captured through both pre-determined and dynamic fields is automatically pushed to Retail ViVA tables using APIs. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing errors and ensuring data integrity. Furthermore, having all your data centralized within Retail ViVA empowers you to leverage powerful analytics tools for a holistic understanding of your retail operations.

Double the Benefit: Retail ViVA effectively bridges the gap between fixed and variable data capture systems. You gain the benefits of structure and consistency with pre-determined fields, while simultaneously enjoying the agility to adapt to changing needs through dynamic forms. This “double benefit” approach ensures you capture the essential data points for informed decision-making, while also having the flexibility to delve deeper when specific situations arise.

Empowering Retailers Today: Retail ViVA’s innovative combination of pre-determined fields, and dynamic form creation, provides retailers with an unmatched level of flexibility and control over their data capture process. This translates to streamlined operations, improved data accuracy, and ultimately, better decision-making for a more successful retail future. So, embrace the power of Retail ViVA and unleash the full potential of your data!

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Retail ViVA: The ONLY Retail ERP echoing a Symphony of Innovation for Retail Excellence

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, success hinges on a single, crucial factor: efficiency. Large retail enterprises juggle an intricate web of operations, from procurement and inventory to customer relationship management and sales. Managing these complexities often requires a cacophony of disparate software solutions, leading to data silos, operational bottlenecks, and ultimately, lost revenue.

Enter Retail ViVA, a groundbreaking vertical retail ERP solution that orchestrates a symphony of innovation, conducting all aspects of your retail business with unparalleled harmony. Imagine a single, unified platform encompassing a staggering twenty-three pre-integrated modules, each meticulously designed to address the specific needs of the retail industry. No more custom development, no more fragmented operations – Retail ViVA delivers the power of one solution, seamlessly integrating every facet of your retail business.

A Maestro of Functionality:

Retail ViVA boasts an unmatched range of features, a true testament to its visionary design. From CRM and campaign management to customer portals, offline POS systems, and EHS (environmental health and safety) modules, Retail ViVA covers every base. Embedded self-service analytics empower informed decision-making, while governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) functionalities ensure your business operates with good corporate governance standards and integrity.

Buy-Now-Pay-Later, the Music to Customer’s Ears Straight into Retail ViVA:

Retail ViVA’s true innovation lies in its integrated Hire Purchase / Ready-finance module, a feature absents from any other global retail ERP offering. This eliminates the need for complex integrations and ensures seamless lending management within the platform. Additional modules like service warranty and repairs, procurement, inventory, merchandising, and point-of-sale complete the financial symphony, offering a holistic view of your retail ecosystem.

The Performance Continues to Grow:

Retail ViVA is not content with resting on its laurels. The platform is constantly evolving, with the upcoming addition of a supplier portal and a robust warehouse management system in Q3 of 2024. This unwavering commitment to improvement underscores Retail ViVA’s dedication to providing the most comprehensive retail ERP solution available.

Beyond the ERP: A Suite of Power Tools:

Retail ViVA does not stop at all-round ERP functionalities. The platform integrates a powerful suite of tools to further empower your retail operations. CryptoESIGN provides secure digital signatures, while Tetra fosters seamless workplace collaboration. SART360 delivers ad-hoc reporting capabilities, and Tulsi, the AI-powered chatbot, enhances customer interactions. RIGA, the robotic process automation (RPA) tool, streamlines mundane tasks, freeing your team to focus on strategic initiatives.

A Modern Marvel for Modern Retail:

Unlike legacy solutions burdened by outdated code and architecture, Retail ViVA is built from the ground up for the cloud. Leveraging cloud-native technologies and offered on reputable cloud platforms, Retail ViVA guarantees exceptional stability and scalability. This modern approach ensures your retail ERP solution is future-proof, adaptable to the ever-changing demands of the industry.

Packed with power of AI:

Retail ViVA takes its innovation a step further by seamlessly integrating innovative AI functionalities into various modules. The pervasive integration of AI across Retail ViVA’s modules positions it as the most advanced retail ERP solution available, ensuring businesses stay ahead of the curve in the age of artificial intelligence.

The Retail Rockstar You’ve Been Waiting For:

Retail ViVA is not just software; it is a testament to thought leadership in retail technology. By meticulously crafting a solution that addresses the intricate needs of large retailers, Retail ViVA empowers businesses to achieve operational excellence. Existing customers rave about the platform’s ability to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and ultimately, drive profitability.

A Final Encore: The Power of One

In conclusion, Retail ViVA stands out not just for its comprehensive feature set, but for its elegant simplicity. By bringing together a symphony of functionalities under one roof, Retail ViVA eliminates the complexity of managing multiple, disconnected systems. This unified approach empowers retailers to focus on what matters most – creating exceptional customer experiences and achieving sustainable growth. Experience the power of one with Retail ViVA – the maestro of retail ERP solutions.

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The Strategic Advantage of Vertical ERP Solutions for Specialist Industries

Introduction to ERP Landscape

In the complex world of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, businesses often face a critical decision: should they opt for a general ERP solution and customize it to fit their specific needs, or should they choose a vertical ERP that is tailored for their industry right out of the box? While general ERP systems offer broad capabilities, the modern business environment—with its emphasis on efficiency and specialization—increasingly favours vertical ERP solutions, especially in specialist industries like retail.

Customization Costs and Complexity            

General ERP systems are designed to be highly flexible, capable of serving a wide range of industries with extensive customization. However, this flexibility often comes with prohibitive costs and complexities. It is common for the customization costs of a general ERP to equal or even exceed the initial licensing fees. These projects can require considerable time investments and substantial financial resources, with ongoing expenditures for consulting fees to maintain and update custom features. This approach can strain a company’s resources and extend the time to value, potentially hindering a business’s agility and responsiveness.

Advantages of Vertical ERP Systems

Vertical ERP systems, by contrast, are developed with a deep understanding of industry-specific workflows, compliance requirements, and business processes. These systems are pre-configured to meet the unique needs of specific industries, such as retail, manufacturing, or healthcare. For retailers, a vertical ERP can provide specialized functionalities such as merchandising management, inventory forecasting, omnichannel sales integration, and customer loyalty programs. These features are built into the platform, significantly reducing the need for expensive and time-consuming customizations.

Cost and Time Efficiency

The specialized nature of vertical ERPs translates into direct cost savings. Since these systems require less customization, the associated costs—both in terms of money and time—are markedly reduced. Businesses can deploy vertical ERP solutions much faster than generalized systems, enabling quicker training for staff and faster realization of benefits. This swift deployment allows companies to focus on using the ERP to drive business value, rather than getting bogged down by the implementation process.

Strategic Fit and Industry Expertise

Vertical ERPs offer more than just specialized functionalities; they also bring industry expertise embedded within their design. Providers of vertical ERP solutions often have experience in the industries they serve, allowing them to anticipate the needs and challenges specific to those sectors. This results in a system that not only fits the industry better but also evolves according to industry standards and changes. For retail businesses, this means having a system that is consistently aligned with consumer trends, supply chain innovations, and evolving market dynamics.

Conclusion: Making the Wise Choice

In conclusion, while general ERPs offer versatility, the specialization, cost efficiency, and strategic alignment provided by vertical ERP systems make them a compelling choice for industries that have specific and nuanced needs. Retail businesses stand to benefit from vertical ERPs that can seamlessly integrate every aspect of retail operations. By choosing a vertical ERP, retailers can minimize reliance on costly consultants, reduce the risk of project overruns, and ensure that their ERP system enhances, rather than hinders, their business operations. In the fast-paced retail sector, where adapting to market trends quickly is crucial, a vertical ERP offers a clear path to achieving competitive advantage and operational excellence. All our Retail ViVA clients across the continents echo the same thoughts as above consistently to us.

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Campaigning Curiosity: Unravelling Retail ViVA’s Social Media Mastery

In the dynamic world of retail, staying ahead of the curve requires embracing innovation and speed. With the advancement of the campaign module in, retailers now have access to a powerful tool that streamlines the process of posting retail promotions across social media platforms. This feature empowers retail clients to effortlessly upload promotion collateral and select the desired social media channels, eliminating the time-consuming task of individual posting.

Efficiency Amplified: Retail ViVA’s campaign module revolutionizes social media posting by consolidating all posting tasks into a single interface. Gone are the days of navigating through multiple platforms to publish promotions. With Retail ViVA, retailers can now manage their entire campaign from one screen and with just one click, saving valuable time and resources. For example, a clothing retailer can seamlessly promote their latest collection across Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X(Twitter) simultaneously, maximizing exposure and engagement.

Streamlined Workflow: By bringing all posting tasks into one centralized platform, Retail ViVA simplifies the workflow of social media posting for retailers. This not only enhances efficiency but also improves organizational productivity. With the ability to schedule posts for specific timings, retailers can ensure their promotions reach their target audience during peak viewing hours, maximizing impact and visibility. For instance, a coffee shop can schedule posts for their morning specials to greet customers at the right moment when they are planning their day.

Flexibility and Convenience: The scheduling feature offered by Retail ViVA’s campaign module provides retailers with the flexibility to manage their social media presence without being tied to their screens. Whether it’s after hours, weekends, or holidays, retailers can schedule posts in advance, ensuring a consistent and timely presence on social media platforms. This flexibility not only simplifies the posting process but also allows retailers to focus on other aspects of their business. For example, surprise discount offers can be prescheduled to create interests in in-store customers during peak hours and entire others to walk-in to enjoy valuable discounts.

Customer Centricity: Retail ViVA’s campaign module stands out as a testament to our commitment to customer-centric innovation. By understanding the challenges faced by modern retailers, we have developed a solution that not only enhances efficiency but also empowers retailers to adapt to the demands of the digital age. With Retail ViVA, retailers can embrace efficient processes like campaign automation to reduce human labour for routine tasks, allowing them to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional customer experiences and driving business growth.

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How to use retail promotions for brand building and recognition?

Retail businesses often use special promotions to build their brand identity. When successful, these promotional campaigns can popularize the retail brand, leading to increased recognition and sales. Here, we share how businesses can use these promotions to enhance brand identity and recognition.   
1. Understand message and identity:

Before launching promotions, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the overall identity and goals of the business. This involves identifying what sets the business apart and the primary message the business aims to convey. The answers to these questions can help create effective promotional strategies.

In today’s digital age, managing a business’s message online is as crucial as its offline counterpart. Therefore, companies must ensure that their online messaging and promotions align with their offline initiatives. Whether it’s the business’s website, social media, or emails, maintaining consistent design elements and business messaging across all platforms is paramount.

2. Identify target audience:

Every promotion must have a specific target audience. To come up with effective retail promotions, the business must first understand the preferences and needs of this target demographic. This understanding makes it easier to tailor promotional campaigns that meet the requirements and expectations of the target audience.

3. Offer value:

Promotions should provide genuine value to consumers, rather than merely serving as a marketing tactic to improve brand identity. Whether it is a discount or exclusive offers, each promotion should benefit consumers in reality.

4. Leverage seasonal and trendy themes:

Retail businesses need to stay relevant and competitive at all times. This is true even when developing promotions. Businesses have to leverage current themes, seasons, or festivals when designing special promotions. Doing so also ensures that each promotion actually serves a purpose to consumers.

5. Exclusivity and limited-time offers:

Every promotion must create a sense of urgency for consumers. This can be achieved easily by developing promotions that are exclusive and have a predetermined deadline. Limited-period discounts or offers increase the sense of anticipation in buyers. At the same time, such promotional campaigns enhance brand recognition since consumers are forced to remember the business name as a source of profitable deals.

6. Reward loyalty:

Loyalty programs are special schemes within promotions that reward regular consumers of a business. This not only ensures that customers keep coming back, but also establishes a good reputation for the business. The retail business with good loyalty programs enjoys an image of a company that values its consumers. Consumers can advocate for a business when they feel like valued members of a community, which further improves recognition.

7. Feedback and improvement:

Promotions also present the opportunity to gather feedback from consumers regarding their retail experience. Based on their feedback, a business can keep working to improve certain aspects and develop better promotions in the future.

8. Measure and analyze:

After a promotion ends, businesses can analyze the results and derive useful data. They can measure various key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess whether the promotional campaign was successful regarding different factors, such as sales, visibility, and more. If not, businesses can use the data to refine their promotions in the future.

Looking for an effective retail erp system to manage your retail business?

Explore the Retail ViVA ERP systems. We have built a platform that unifies 26-distinct modules of the retail business, right from procuring to warehousing. One of these modules, namely Campaign, can also assist in planning and executing promotions. The ERP for the retail industry has simplified making data-driven decisions for our clients by bringing together different aspects of their business in one unified platform. 

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Retail Payroll Management Challenges and Software Solutions

Retail payroll management poses a significant challenge due to its multifaceted nature. The complexities range from adhering to complex overtime rules to calculating individual employee deductions. Managing these manually can be daunting. Consequently, many brands are turning to retail payroll software to streamline this area. Below, we explore some of the challenges retail brands face in payroll management and how retail payroll software can offer solutions.   


  1. Low employee retention: The retail industry often sees frequent employee turnovers. This constant flux in the workforce complicates the maintenance of an error-free payroll.
  2. Complicated hours calculation and scheduling: Retail employees often work part-time or may have to extend in certain situations. So, it is extremely difficult to track their work hours manually and calculate their payroll based on their attendance and work hours.  
  3. Variable overtime rules: Overtime rules in the retail industry change with the location, making them even more difficult to track and manage. Effectively managing a payroll would mean ensuring that the retailer complies to the overtime rules in a particular location.
  4. Benefits and deductions: Retail employees can be eligible for additional benefits, such as health insurance, bonuses and more. A person involved with payroll management has to keep accurate track of the deductions for each employee and also manage these benefits. 
  5. Delays in payroll processing: The complications involved in payroll management can sometimes lead to delays in processing the payroll. This results in significant dissatisfaction among employees and may even lead to compliance problems. Efficient payroll management ensures that all employees receive their due payments on time. 

Solutions offered by software:

  1. Automated time and attendance: Payroll management systems can easily keep track of work hours for retail industry employees, regardless of whether they are working part-time or overtime. 
  2. Calculating leave pay and managing leaves:  Instead of manually tracking which employees qualify for leave pay, retail businesses can entrust these intricate calculations to payroll management systems.
  3. Flexible pay calculation setup: Instead of following a stringent rule when it comes to pay calculations, some payroll management software offers a more customizable approach. The retail brand is free to define pay as it sees fit. So, the company does not require external support for maintenance and pay definition.
  4. Analyze data to find discrepancies: Such software allows brands to analyze data from previous and current payrolls to identify any errors or inaccuracies. 
  5. Integration with Sub Ledgers and General Ledger: Systems that are integrated with Sub and General Ledgers increases operational efficiency by standardizing certain parts of the payroll management. 
  6. Customized payroll runs: Some retail brands may prefer weekly or fortnightly payroll runs. The software for payroll management can allow for such customizations, providing increased flexibility. The retailer can stick to their policy without being limited by the system.
  7. Employee self-service: Employees can also use these systems to look up their payslips, leaves remaining and many other relevant data. 

Looking for payroll software for retail?

Explore Retail ViVA. Its Payroll Management Systems are bundled together as part of a unified human resource module in the ERP system. The payroll management module is capable of handling every part of a successful payroll run. From calculation of attendance and time to finding out the statutory deductions in pay revisions, the system ensures accuracy and comfortable pay runs.  

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No, you should not say “No” to NoCode: It’s rocking

NoCode development refers to a platform or tools that help non-developers to create computer software applications without writing even a single line of code. Traditionally computer programmers write code in a preferred computer language to develop software applications. Every business change had to go through a circular phase of back-and-forth iterations before a change in the software code can affect the business change. NoCode gives freedom for an end-user to make changes as business demands and eliminates the dependence on programmers. The whole purpose of NoCode is to make people who are not programmers to produce applications without writing a single line of code.

What is NoCode?

NoCode solutions are end-to-end solutions used by people who are not programmers to create and update web applications and websites using pre-configured graphical user interface artifacts. NoCode allows non-developers to modify, build and deploy software programs without knowing how to program in a programming language or working as programmers. When non-programmer wants to change an existing software program, they can’t do it. With NoCode, one can easily make any change as they choose.

Retail ERP software

The Future of NoCode

The Future belongs to Citizen Developer who wants to do things as it demands. They would like to change the software code to suit the new business model or new business process, a new idea, or a new strategy. They also would like to do it immediately and assess the impact instantly. If these have to happen at such a speed of thinking, it can only be done using a NoCode platform. The traditional software development process consumes quite time to make software code changes in an agile manner and thus does not suit a dynamic modern enterprise that is always exploratory. Perpetual innovation is the art of success in the 21st century, and NoCode is the means to achieving it. NoCode has gained momentum in the recent past and is here to stay, with more traction in the years to come. Slowly, we feel all developers will turn into Citizen Developers with many NoCode platforms coming into the market.


Programmers have needed a solution for a long time and when it comes to coding it faster to situations. Only innovation can solve the problem, and one such innovative solution is the NoCode platform. It doesn’t matter how you have been designing, programming or developing a software program until now but when it comes to scaling up the system you are building, then there is no substitute for NoCode platforms. NoCode platforms have scaled to demonstrate increased flexibility, scalability reliability, and quality. In Retail ViVA, 15 modules are built using our NoCode platform CodeSelfie and thus have high scalability to changing needs. We built Retail ViVA to suit modern retailers who are hungry for innovating all through to create a better customer experience.

Written by
(Ragu)nathan Kannan

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The Guide to Retail Promotions: What, Why and How

Discounts and promotions play a significant role in attracting customers to make their buying decision. Various forms of promotions exist which suit diverse needs and occasions. There are line discounts, total discounts, BOGO offers, price multiples, accelerated discounts based on quantity offtake, free shipping, lucky coupons, repeat visit coupons, loyalty points and modified or integrated forms. Customer attraction is based on her/his personal choice of how much such a discount or promotion is sounding lucrative to influence a buying decision.

What types of Promotions

Some of the promotion types adopted by Retailers are:

1. Double Discount: Double discounts provide ultimate happiness to the customer, and he/she may purchase more quantity compared to what he/she intended to buy. This process is called two-for-one, which works as a bonus discount. Double discounts happen when the quantity of a product is being offered to a consumer at the same price it was being sold at before the offer.

2. Percent Discount: Here, the consumer is given a discount of percent of his/her entire purchase amount.

3. Category Discount: Sometimes, a specific category of products are put under discount to make customers buy more of those category items.

4. Value Discount: A fixed value is offered as a discount on items purchased, with a minimum purchase value indicated.

5. BOGO Offer: Buy-one-get-one offer is an attractive one and is offered in various forms like Buy-one-get-one at half price or Buy-one-from-category A and get one free in Category B or Buy five for the price of 3 or Buy Item A and get x% of discount on item B.

6. Discounted Price Multiple: Here, a discount is offered on a graded scale depending on quantity like 2 for $30, 3 for $42 on the concept of Buy More Save More.

7. Line Discount: Here, specific items are identified for discount and those line items get a discount in the invoice.

8. Free Coupons: Free Coupons are issued based on total purchase value with a specific validity date to woo the customer to come back to the shop for more purchases.

9. Free Shipping: When invoice value is higher, free shipping is offered as a discount.

10. Loyalty points: Sometimes, when a specific category of items are purchased, bonus loyalty points are credited to the customer’s account.

Why do a promotion

Promotions or Sales Discounts are a necessary part of the sales growth strategy. They act as a trigger or motivator to the customers to buy your product on impulse. A compelling discount coupled with a personalized offer that reinforces your brand message and also incentivises the existing and potential customers to make the purchase might attract them to leap in your sales funnel. An attractive promotional offer has the chance of converting the sale more than the average. Increasing revenues or keeping your place as a competitive retail destination, Retailers needs to use discounts in various forms for sale events, big and small, keeping in view the impact of the discount on the store’s sales.

ERP for retail stores

How to make customers get attracted to a promotion

Customers often decide while browsing through the merchandise. Online shoppers tend to consider different parameters such as brands in the competitor’s list before deciding, availability of discount, the value proposition of the purchase, the physical and logical usability of the product, shipping cost or cost of traveling to shop, and service standards of the Brand or the Retailer. Hence, a Retailer must focus on all of the above in their online communication to make that informed decision quickly in one glace to get all answers. Making a smooth online browsing experience coupled with buying-decision informative will help the customer to make that decision soon. A conscious effort for acquiring customers is often to make sure that the inbound traffic is already convinced that your offer will be attractive and prompt them to make a buying decision.


In today’s online world, promoting offers has become very easy as there are options to reach customers on various digital mediums. If you intend to use promotions and discount strategies to increase the sales of your products and services, then do consider the options mentioned above, techniques, and knowledge to increase your sales. We hope that as a Retailer, you will develop marketing strategies and techniques which will benefit your brand and hence, increase your profit margins. Retail ViVA has got all the above promotions or discounts configured in its Point-of-Sales module giving Retailers the power to personalize promotions depending on seasons or customer types.

Written by
(Ragu)nathan Kannan

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Does Your Company’s Loyalty Program actually Work?

Loyalty programs have been there for years. Customers earn points for business with a brand, and the brand, in turn, nurtures the customer for more and more business. It is a win-win for both. However, the design of a loyalty program determines whether the customer feels value and thus starts nurturing the brand with more business. Further, they become brand advocates promoting in social media, word-of-mouth referrals, product reviews, and participation in promotions. If customer engagement is achieved, we can say the loyalty program is successful.

Does your company’s loyalty program work?

Loyalty programs are not just about customer acquisition; it is about customer retention and beyond. It is essential to do the homework before you roll it out. Many companies report great success but fail to analyse the sales data to prove it convincingly. As customers want more and more, loyalty programs should be the number one priority to them. If your customers are not getting their fair share of discounts and perks, you need to re-evaluate your loyalty program design. What do you want to achieve with your loyalty program? Are you looking to generate more business, get new customers, grow your existing customer base or some combination of these?

Is customer engagement being achieved?

Most customers feel it is too time-consuming to join, and it doesn’t make sense to them at all, even for some of the established loyalty programs. They may not be familiar with the terms and how the process will work. They may also find it confusing and intimidating to give you their loyalty card and all the details needed to enable the program to activate and process the points earned. On the other hand, a new member might not figure out how it all works and therefore not even feel comfortable joining. They may never even get past the registration form, the free points, or whatever, in these scenarios, how one gets the customer engagement achieved. The only solution is to make the loyalty program design simple, joining process simple, make it primarily automatic and make it work in the background without intimidating the customer much. Retail ViVA comes with a simple loyalty program that mainly works in the background, adding points to the customer’s account, make it very easy for customers to enroll and enjoy the difference.


Most brands in today’s competitive market are competing for sales with one another. The question for today’s brands is; Are they doing enough to differentiate themselves from their competitors? If not, it is time to start rethinking your customers’ relationship with your brand and focus on loyalty programs. “In business, as in love, if you want a steady supply of customers, you have to provide a steady supply of loyalty, and this means you must nurture the loyalty of your existing customers as well as attract new customers.” -Sir John Hegarty. Loyalty programs are nothing new and they are still influential today. However, innovative simplicity will help get more traction from customers. Technology can make it simple and choose a Retail ERP that has a simple process for joining and accruing loyalty credits to your customers.

Written by
(Ragu)nathan Kannan

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