Inventory precision, at your fingertips – Elevate accuracy
Stock take is a process in Retail environment wherein a count is performed of physical stock, be it warehouse or store, to compare with stock as per Retail ERP. If there are differences between them, verification is performed to ascertain the difference, and stock is adjusted to match the physical count. Traditionally, stock take is done after the close of business hours and freezing the stock take area for any transaction. This is done to ensure the physical count is accurate. Modern Retail ERP enables Retailers to perform stock count at any point of time, without needing to freeze the location of stock take.
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A Warehouse or store can be fully operational without any disruption during the stock take. Stock take is performed by way of specialized mobile with barcode scanners or handheld terminals, which can communicate to the server instantly through wireless for count validation. Stores can perform a stock count on perpetual basis by picking stock keeping units at random. Stock take also acts as an internal control mechanism for an organized way of stocking alongside performing busy Retail operations. Whether you operate a small, medium, or large-scale Retail business, performing a complete stock take is crucial for healthy inventory levels and minimizing unwanted losses over time. Stock count is also performed as part of the Retailer’s annual audit plan.
- No need to freeze location or perform Stock take after business hours
- While performing stock take, count is instantly matched with system stock
- Immediate or batched recount option to ensure 100% accuracy of stock take
- Automated process helps in systemic Stock take process in a transparent manner
- Blind counting of our Stock take module improves accuracy of count
- Auto reconciliation of stock movement during stock count helps in immediate reconciliation and quicker disposal of stock take
Retail ViVA’s integrated and on-demand Stock Take module
is designed for modern retailers to perform stock counts without any business interruption even during business hours. The Stock count can be compared with system stock online and recount can be continued to double-check without loss of time. This improves in arriving at correct count variance and immediate disposal of count differences right until accounting. Ever ready to perform stock count, and without needing to download item masters, our stock take module makes it easy to perform count and close stock take at the quickest possible time.
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